Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New footage

I'm playing with the idea of choosing to be on all fours. The distinct decision to be in any position affords a certain level of power and agency. Nefeli's character in particular will choose very clearly that she wants to be on the table and she wants to play on all fours for some time. She wants to define what the position means to her rather than the position defining what/who she is. Enjoy.


  1. Loved it, and the music, as usual, perfect. Kate you have the knack of picking just the right music!!! Love you..Mom

  2. This piece is interesting. But I think it is naive not to address more convincingly the sexual connotations of the pose and by objectifying it, the audience might be able gain a different perspective and possibly look within themselves and recognize the sexual charge we place on a wide range of possibly innocuous things in our lives.
